Aaron is a 2-year-old boy from Liverpool. He likes watching Mr. Tumble, singing nursery rhymes, communicating using Makaton signs and reading books. Aaron loves being outdoors and really enjoys going to playgroup.
Aaron and his family live very close to a country park and love going regularly to see the horses and play in the playground. Aaron is very proud when he achieves something he has been trying hard for. He is a very determined boy who does not let things get in his way.
Yet Aaron has complex needs and very weak muscles, hypermobility and his speech and motor development are significantly delayed. His disability affects his daily life as he can’t walk any distance and is very unsteady on his feet. Because of restricted mobility and speech, Aaron can get very frustrated when he cannot do what his sister and other children can.
His mum approched Action For Kids asking for help with purchasing of a Theraplay IMP tricycle costing £1,148. The trike will enable him to interact and play with his sister and friends outdoors, while improving his muscle strength in a play environment.
With support of Path to Success, Aaron got his trike in time for the summer holidays and was very happy with it. His mum told us: "We are so grateful for Aaron's trike, thank you to everyone involved. He absolutely loves it and was so happy to ride his trike next to his big sister on her bike. He was unable to use a conventional trike so this has made a little boy extremely happy and will support his mobility. Thank you so much.”